Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Slumdog Millionaire

Saw the movie Flow last night at the Esquire Theater. Good movie about how 3rd world countries are getting the shaft when it comes to clean drinking water. See it if you get a chance (also stop drinking bottled water). Now what I really want to talk about is the movie Slumdog Millionaire. Heard about the movie a while ago because M.I.A. has a new song on the movie soundtrack. After seeing the movie trailer in the theater last night I was hooked. I know I know...movie trailers...blah blah blah...they are all good and it doesn’t mean the movie will be. But I read some reviews and I'm kinda hyped to see it. It had a limited release on Nov 11, but is set for a full release Dec 19. Opens at the Esquire on Dec 12.
The two songs below are from the movie trailer and they are not included on the soundtrack.

*Mp3: The Ting Tings - Great DJ
*Mp3: Sigur Ros - Hoppipolla

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